jueves, 16 de febrero de 2012

Sustainable design and gerontodesing

As you know the sustainable design is based on the definition of sustainability, we could say that sustainable design is :

A applied thought process  in a strategic manner, transforming existing systems and generates new ones with different characteristics focused on producing the best ecological, economicand social, that support the development of human beings.


Gerontodesign looks forward to achieve this too.. to generate new systems with better characteristics that make the life more happier and easier to the elders, gerontodesign is based in sustainable design, more specifically in emotional design and inclusive design, two topics that are inside the sustainable design.

Designers like Viktor Papanek and Donald Norman told us the keys to create the gerontodesign strategies that soon will be posted online..

Start thinking about sustainability, and remember it doesn't  only reefers about ecological facts!!

domingo, 12 de febrero de 2012

We'll be old…I hope

Thanks to the medicine, the greats achieves that doctors and researchers have been done, we'll be older than now. It's difficult  to see that fact, but it's true. Not only the designers need to rethink how we design, all humanity needs to rethink their activities and values.

Japanese people respect to much to the elders, and thats so nice! … mexican people ( usually in small's towns ) have the same respect for elders that japanese have to their own. But, what happen in USA? The youngest people seems to have some troubles about being respectful with their grandparents … the media, the trends tend to disrespect the old people. We need to remember that baby boomers where the starters in this ideas, they said that old is boring….and start with all this changes. Now baby boomers are old….

So, gerontodesign is not a salvation to all of our problems, No. The education, the good moral values, the family union and the society are the strongest parts for solving the problems that we will confront in a near future.

Gerontodesign pretends to take this values : the love, the emphatic, the respect, the family union, and so on… We will be old…I hope so, because we will had a second chance to rethink the social values that we have been promoted.
