viernes, 9 de marzo de 2012

One day in the user's life…"La persona"

As a designers we know that we need to know the necessities of the people, but I will tell you : Im not agree with this.


Because we doesn't only need to know the necessities, we need to comprehend  it , to be emphatic with the user, and start calling him : persona.

I made an experiment…

The Age Lab (MIT) (, BLUM  ( NISSAN ( already made it too. Its about feeling old, feel like an elder feels. I need to tell you that in 2005 Ron Navarro start to talking about this "experiments", he teach me how to start to think more in the "others", using masking tape in my fingers and trying to open a water bottle.

I recommend to to this experiment, if you need to design for elders, its the best way to understand them, not only physically, but emotional and mental ways too.

Here I exposed the elements that you will need to "feeling"  like an older person:

This suit should work according to vectors, making the exact strength in the right spot to avoid the displacement of the body.

According to AGE LAB:

• The knee and elbow mobility limitations will place, for the simulation of joint stiffness and muscle fatigue increases will slow movement.

• Arms: bands will place connected to the arm and the waist of the person to reduce the mobility of the shoulder joints will be more difficult to reach objects above shoulder height.

• Legs: We will use straps and a harness attached to shoes, to reduce the flexibility of the hamstring, the step is shortened, the leg movements during walking will be shorter and slower.

• The backbone: The accessories of the hull and the band, simulate the compression and rotation of the vertebrae, giving the user a sense of curvature of the spine that occurs with aging.

• Neck: We will use a cervical collar, as it reduces the rotation of the cervical spine and extension, this will cause the entire torso movements to want to rotate.

• Eyes: The use of yellow glasses will be to impair color vision, in addition to them will be difficult to see in dim light.

• Ears: use earplugs to simulate difficulties sharp sounds and tones.

• Balance: The shoes will simulate the changes that occur in our musculoskeletal system in the inner ear, causing imbalance also give us a sense of uncertainty at each step.52

• Hands: The use of gloves and wristbands will be to simulate the reduction in tactile sensitivity, and decreased strength and mobility of the wrist.

Besides these additions, by and based on this research it was decided to add the following:

• In eyes: Different types of lenses to experiment:

✴ Total blindness

✴ Myopia Presbyopia

✴ Halo effect of vision due to retinal problems.

• In the hands thick gloves will be used and if possible be bandaged hand to experience the feeling of a person with advanced arthritis.

• In the torso: is added using a belt to prevent further rotation of the spine will also heat the body, which starts to run out due to pressure and temperature rise, this in order to mimic the usual fatigue in an older age.

*The numer 7 "muñequera" is a wrist bracelet.

Using this suit the designer will know something more about the elder person….. much!!


Some links about gerontodesign

Some of them are in Portuguese or another language, but thanks God, exist:

Enjoy it!

Fundaments about Gerontodesign

Age in place

Gerontodesign Method Part 2

We must conquer the truth with conjecture, or we can not conquer

Charles S. Peirce

The research method that encompasses this project is the abductive method,
developed by Charles S. Peirce. The traditional method or deductive and inductivemethod, usually closed to the possibilities of imagination and intuition to get tosomething that could hinder the true user-centered design (which will be discussed in the following pages)

For Peirce there are unconscious processes that the brain takes place to form a hypothesis, it is said that the different elements of a hypothesis are in our mind before we are aware of having made. We clarify that the hypothesis of this research is not aperceptual judgment, but an abductive inference as this was subject to logical analysis.

This method is iterative and goes close observation to meditation or contemplation in a back and forth between the two. Charles S. Peirce tells us that "the sciences havebeen developed separately from the useful arts or the arts that are supposed useful,"with this statement, Peirce is one of the authors indicated (personal judgment) for the development of a design project, because as we know the design has been always in the middle of science and art.

It is said that the abductive method belongs to the processes of imagination and intuition and therefore its validity is rebuttable, but if we go deeper we will know aboutthe abductive method and pragmatism go hand in hand, as Charles S. Peirce is considered one of the fathers of pragmatism. Pragmatism is based on the principle that is true only what works, besides that rejects absolute truths, ideas are tentative and we can say that hypothesis testing will be subject to changes that will underliefuture research.

For all of that we start to thinking that the pragmatism will be something good for the design process, because the people change, the designer change, designing is not about numbers, designing is about people.

As you know, here in Mexico, we are looking forward to create some gerontodesign strategies, that will be posted in this blog. We could say that the hypothesis of our investigation is the conjecture one, the tests are the gerontodesign strategies and the subsequent conjectures are the testing strategies by induction in an iterative process.

The testing of the abductive method will be using the induction process, in which in an empiric way we will put in practice the conjectures or gerontodesign strategies!

:) keep reading!

Gerontodesign Method Part 1

“The important thing is not to stop questioning.” 
-Albert Einstein 

How start to "gerontodesigning"?

Firstable we need to know what type of investigation dominates the research,for this purpose we quot Edgar Morin:

"... we think that there is still a vast field of social science in which there is more than taylorians stages of rationalization of intellectual labor and where full of personalitycan only contribute to scientific rigor. The rigor of reasoning is more important thanthe calculation. The question is more important that the questionnaire ".

Nothing is just black or just white, specially when we talk about a human being, we know that the study of the "persona" its complex, and for this reason we have to start a mix investigation, using qualitative and quantitative data.

The quantitative data will come from all the statistical data and anthropometric data, even from some medical information, socio demographics and economics.

But, how we are going to quantify emotions, attitudes and culture of human beings?

According to Aida Silva, General Manager of Marketing Resources Toschi, qualitative research is done to answer the question "Why?" While quantitative research addresses the questions "How many or how often?" The process of qualitative research is a process of discovery, the process that looks for evidence is the quantitative research.

Qualitative research is used as a mechanism for generation of ideas, can help evaluate a quantitative study. Qualitative research uses in-depth interviews, there is a probability sample such as is interpretative.

As a designers we need, we must know how to do a qualitative research, because we are designing for the people! There are some steps that we need to follow in order to achieve a great investigation result, and mainly valid.

Qualitative sampling

According to Serbia, 2007, the qualitative sampling should not be framed in a classictypology sample because the researcher needs, first, dive into the problem from the field. From a previous theoretical and empirical understanding of the subject and the subject under study, the field will allow you to obtain the conditions for a correctinterpretation of the study (Serbia, 2007).

The qualitative sampling is not about statistics, its about the proximity and familiarity with the person that we want to study.

So, when you start your own gerontodesign or design investigation remember to adjust it to the qualitative sampling, it will lead you to have more "human information" than statistical information, but be careful! the numbers are important to, just think how you will using it.

Qualitative Analysis

"During a round process on the data, the investigator should look for the saturation of speeches about topics of interest to develop descriptions and increasingly abstractgeneralizations from the interpretations of the discourses" (Serbia, 2007).

Are you Thirsty or are you going to be?

Have you heard about "start to dig the well before you are thirsty" ?
Its a mexican phrase, a "refran", that explain us that we don't need to wait to have the problem in front of our nose in order to do something about it….No! We need to start to solve the problem before it comes to our life.

Currently in Mexico there is not a design approach for the elderly, in the world has begun its development, but not its consolidation. Apparently the elders face front to a design objects that usually change their behavior, preventing its development and functioning, yes, its development, some people believe that when we reach the 60 years old the individual development has been completed, but it is not. Is in this process where the designer is involved, using emotional design and user-centered design.

Its in the emotional design where we find the ability to enhance the usability of the product by creating a strong connection between the user and the product (Choi, S., 2006),this type of design is one that is focused on the use of human beings emotions to do more or less pleasant to use an object, also focuses on human intuition, which is why the emotional design will be included in the development of this gerontodesign research.

We live in a world where for several years and now the design profession is seen as the product that is looking for cutting-edge aesthetics, which serve to generate income for large companies and promote the development of personalities and representative figures, this is the side opposite to the social design. We designed for the young man, but little has been thinking about the old man. We may not like to think at that stage, but it exists. And each time more people come to it, note that we talk about ourselves when we are speaking of the future elderly.